Next we'll explore the possibilities of this technique with people. 


Some of you got it and some did not. If you didn't don't worry about it. All I'm trying to do is point out that selective focus and the element of space can be powerful tools in composing the frame. Your smartphone cameras are designed to render everything in focus. Learning how to subvert that design is a helpful skill in smartphone photography. 


Columbus Day is a national holiday in many countries in the Americas and elsewhere which officially celebrates the anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas on October 12, 1492. The landing is celebrated as "Columbus Day" in the United States, as "Día de la Raza" ("Day of the Race") in many countries in Latin America, as "Día de la Hispanidad" and "Fiesta Nacional" in Spain, where it is also the religious festivity of la Virgen del Pilar, as Día de las Américas (Day of the Americas) in Belize and Uruguay, as Día del Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural (Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity) in Argentina, and as Giornata Nazionale di Cristoforo Colombo or Festa Nazionale di Cristoforo Colombo in Italy and in the Little Italys around the world.[1][2] These holidays have been celebrated unofficially since the late 18th century and officially in various countries since the early 20th century. - Wikipedia


Columbus Day is often depicted as in the image below. In the United States it legitimately celebrates contributions to the country by Italian-Americans. However if you scroll past the first image you will see a counter-reading of Columbus Day courtesy of some Native American activists.